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Welcome Message

Welcome to UTMLead. Let me begin by extending a warm welcome to you and thanking you for taking some of your time visiting our portal. UTMLead officially established on January 26, 2014. UTMLead are driven by two important units namely Teaching and Learning (TL) and Academic Leadership and Professional Development (ALPD).

In order to implement leadership and propel the transformation of higher education institutions to a higher level, we believe UTMLead able to shape and develop the academic leadership towards a long-lasting excellence. UTMLead enrich current leadership with new and up to date knowledge instil good leadership value, nurture and empower younger generation for talent enhancement.

UTMLead also committed to provide quality training programmes to equip academic staff with the required competencies to utilize, develop and innovate effective instructions in learning and teaching. We utilize strategies that focus heavily on the student-centered and optimization of the use of technology in learning. Also, we are dedicated to provide training programmes and assistances for staff to develop and nurture their leadership talent and professional qualifications within the academic fraternity.

Prof. Madya Ir. Dr. Hayati Abdullah

Director, Center for Advancement in Digital and Flexible Learning (UTM CDex)