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Teaching With Technology

Teaching with Technology Services is a campus-wide instructional media production facility available to staff of the University Teknologi Malaysia. A wide range of audio, video, graphic, and multimedia services are offered. Many of the facilities and services are available on a walk-in basis, but we strongly encourage users to make an appointment so that necessary equipment and human resources are available.   

T&L unit also provides assistance to teaching staffs in incorporating technology into their courses. Among other services, T&L unit offers: 
   * Advice on how to make the best teaching use of technology. 
   * Consultations on course design and technology. 
   * Workshops for staffs and individual consultations on the use of teaching technologies. 
   * Individual assistance in the introduction of new technologies. 
   * Videotaping classes for future references or streaming media via the web. 

For consultation, referral or additional information as they relate to instructional media or teaching with technology services, please contact: 

Prof. Madya Ir. Dr. Hayati Abdullah (T&L Deputy Director)  
Tel: 07-5537852 or e-mail: 


Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Nihra Haruzuan Mohamad Said (IT Manager)  
Tel: 07-5537880 or e-mail: 

Audio Video Services
Among services offered: 
   * Recording of lectures, discussion, demonstration, etc. in classroom, lab or studio. 
   * Studio facilities for audio and video recording. 
   * Post-production/editing. 
   * Webcasting and podcasting. 

The CMLT Audio Video services are available through advance booking only. Services may be booked through the following contact:   

Dr. Nurbiha A. Shukor (CMLT Manager)  
Tel: 07-5537885 or e-mail:   

Digital Media Productions 
   * Design and development of course websites and multimedia applications. 
   * Design and development of digital animations and other digital learning objects 

Manuals and Guidelines 
For manuals, tutorials or guidelines on how to use e-learning system, multimedia software and etc, please click here.

Other Teaching with Technology Services For information, contact us at or 07-5537858.