The urgency of the need for initiatives to build the next generation of academics in Malaysian universities is made clear by the fact that the current crop is ageing without adequate replacement from the numbers of young scholars entering the profession; at the same time, only a small number of academics (8 per cent) are reaching the top rank. A more balanced distribution of scholars across the various ranks is required to build a solid community of scholars and generate high caliber academics that meet expectations of both the employer and the different employee segments in any university sector.
Emphasizing to develop and drive specific catalytic and innovative talent of young scholars, ACCER program is initiated with the aim to establish leadership training goals and plans that link to individual goal attainment, career planning, and possible succession planning. This program is the symbiotic relations between university, top management and academics as employees across the board are increasingly expected to make consequential decisions that align with University’ s corporate strategy and culture. It is important, therefore, that they be equipped with the relevant technical, relational, and communication skills to improve core competencies, enhance job performance, and encourage personal growth for faculty and staff.